DIY Cinnamon Ornaments
Every year when we pull out decorations for the Christmas tree, the box opens with a festive Christmas scent. That beloved, nostalgic smell was a result of these cinnamon ornaments. I think my original cinnamon ornaments date back to my preschool days (which was a long, long time ago!).
Winter Social
DIY Aromatic Fire Starters
Growing up in Missouri, a fire in the winter months was the norm. My ancestors worked on a saw mill in Michigan so my dad inherited excellent fire building skills. I would spend cold days by the fire, staying warm, and being captivated by the glowing embers. As an adult, my love for fires still burns strong. On cold days in Dallas my apartment will almost always have a fire in the fireplace. It warms my living space quickly and puts me in a relaxed mood.
Double Chocolate & Double Peppermint Cookies
Have mercy! I am a fan of anything chocolate and anything peppermint. Make it double chocolate and double peppermint?! (Swoon.) Yes! These pack so much peppermint and chocolate into one bite that they are sure to knock Santa’s stockings off.