Summer Stripes | Casual Dress

Hello! How was your weekend? I am feeling so refreshed and revitalized after getting a little rest from a busy week. The sun is shining and all is well.  Last week was a very exciting week as I was able to see my older brother twice while he was in Dallas for work. Growing up he and I would banter until the sun went down, but as adults I truly appreciate our relationship. Like a traveling tour guide, he knows the roads and best restaurants in every big city. It’s incredible. I admire his wisdom, sincerity and sense of humor. Funny how life and aging has its way of showing you that the most important people are the people that have been closest to you the entire time.

Whether hanging out with family or friends, this dress keeps things simple so you can focus on what truly matters – those around you. The blue stripes add summer style and a bit of a nautical touch. The fabric is thick but fits loosely to allow breathability. I added a classic tote and blue earrings to tie the look together. This dress is available for rent or purchase, and there is a more affordable, dark denim option that I adore!

What plans do you have this week? Hope your day is wonderful!

Live your life joyfully so,


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